Sleep Training Secrets for 11 month olds


  1. Caleb Huntington

    So our 11 month old has been such a good sleeper and we’ve been pretty consistent with a routine since birth, 8-830 is settle down, get ready for bed, read and she takes a bottle and falls asleep, yet lately has been waking and is either hard to settle or signs for milk, how can we adjust nighttime routine when we give her a bottle before bed and she falls asleep to where we can get her to not rely or associate the bottle with needing to fall asleep and help with night wakinga

    • Alyssa Taft

      Hello Caleb,

      Thank you so much for reaching out to us. This is a great question! It is okay to feed. your LO after putting on pajamas, but then I would introduce reading a book right after. Give your little one 10 minutes of reading time. This helps to separate the feed with sleep. If your LO is struggling to eliminate this feed to sleep association, then definitely reach out to us! We cover this step by step in our program. As soon as your sweet girl learns how to fall asleep on her own at bedtime, then you will see those night wakings disappear too. At her age and if her weight is good, she can definitely sleep 11-12 hours at night.

      CLICK HERE to learn more–>

      We would love to support you and your family!

      Alyssa, BSMS Client Support Manager

  2. Shakoda

    Hello i am i first time mom, i have an 11 month old who has a routine every night but still continues to wake up around 4:30 every morning thinking its play time, theres times he even wakes up more than once but he always wakes up at 4:30 and doesnt fall back to sleep until almost 2 hours later, ive tried different routines and nothing seems to help. I could use any advice that you have..

    • Becca Fuentes

      Hi Shakoda,
      Thank you so much for reaching out to us! I’m sorry that you’re LO is waking up so early! This is such a common problem for babies all the way up to late toddlerhood.

      My first thought is to move bedtime earlier. It seems counter-intuative but babies work a little differently than adults when it comes to sleep. We need to set up their body clocks to their ideal bedtime. Here is a free guide on Early Wakings:

      There is also a chance that this is due to a sleep regression. Here is a free guide on 11 month sleep regression:

      If you are interested in learning more, I would recommend that you look int our sleep training program: 21 Days to Peace & Quiet
      In this program we offer 4 step-by-step sleep training methods. You choose the one that feels best for your LO. We have super gentle & gradual all the way to quick & efficient. Each step of the way you get advice based on your baby’s developmental stage, energy levels, and temperament.

      Two of our package options include personalized support and I find this to be so beneficial during the sleep training journey! Jilly and members of our support team answer questions 7 days a week in our private FB group and we host 2-3 Zoom calls per week! You will always feel like you have the support you need every step of the way.

      You can find out more info on the program here:

      When you are 100% consistent in following the steps of the program, your baby will be sleeping amazingly within 1-3 weeks. It depends on the method you choose as well as your baby’s adaptability, but we cover all of this in the program!

      Happy to answer any questions you have. We hope we get the chance to help you and your LO on this sleep journey!
      Have a great day!
      Becca, BSMS Support Team

  3. Robin

    Hi Jilly, I am a first time mom and have an 11 month old little. My brother and his wife had huge success sleep training with Baby Wise so I bought the book and tried it but didn’t have the same success. I also purchased Little Ones on line and it was a waste of money as even their trouble shooting tips didn’t work. I was so exhausted and just could not wait for my kid to sleep that I started nursing to bed when he went through his 4 month sleep regression. It is my biggest regret. My husband and I have tried to let him cry it out and set a timer for 5 minutes when we put him down, have tried touch to soothe, always have white noise, blackout room, comfy cot… he simply protests sleep and wails crying until he hyperventilates, and only settles on the boob. I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to keep spending money on programmes that don’t seem to work. The only thing that gives me some piece of mind is that someday it will end, and that I will never have another child. Any advise would be greatly appreciated….

    • Alyssa Taft

      Hi Robin and thanks for your message!

      If you go to our website and look at the top pink menu, you’ll find our age-specific sleep guides. Just choose your LO’s age to get specific tips to improve their sleep. You can find us at:

      Your age-specific guide helps you understand your LO’s current developmental stage and any effects it may have on sleep. And it has specific steps you can take to improve your LO’s sleep right away. If you prefer more details and a step-by-step guide to get your LO sleeping through the night, then I highly recommend our program, 21 Days to Peace & Quiet. In this program we offer 4 step-by-step sleep training methods. You choose the one that feels best for your LO. We have super gentle & gradual all the way to quick & efficient. Each step of the way you get advice based on your baby’s developmental stage, energy levels, and temperament. I had joined the program when my daughter was 6 months old because I was nursing and rocking to sleep and we had to break these sleep associations. It was amazing but she was sleeping through the night within 5 days and has been ever since (21 months now). I also bought baby wise (didn’t work for me either), but this program and the videos and guides were exactly what I needed. You get personalized advice from Jilly and you gain access to our private FB group with hundreds of moms. We are a true community and help support one another.

      You can find out more info on the program here:

      When you are 100% consistent in following the steps of the program, your baby will be sleeping amazingly within 1-3 weeks. It depends on the method you choose as well as your baby’s adaptability. But we cover all of this in the program! I totally understand not wanting to spend more money on programs that don’t work! The best thing is that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you aren’t happy, so I would give it a shot!

      Happy to answer any questions you have.

      Have a great day! / Alyssa, BSMS Support Team


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