Your Baby (& Toddler) Night Waking Guide


  1. Hermann Natalie

    Your “awake times” don’t make sense to me. Are you saying that 13 month old should only be awake a total of 3-4 hrs a day? I’m sure I misunderstood that section.

    • Artemis

      This is a great question!

      So, a 3-4 hour awake time, means that your little one should only be awake 3-4 hours in between their ‘sleeps’.

      For example, if your little one wakes up at 7 am, they should only be awake 3-4 hours until their nap. So at the 3-4 hour mark after wake up time, they’re asleep again.

      Does that make sense? If you need a bit of guidance, we’d love to talk to you on a call:

      Have a great week!
      Artemis, BSMS Support Team

  2. Christina Diaz

    My baby is 6 months and goes to daycare. He doesn’t get many naps in so he is over tired and will always wake up an hour after bedtime. Since he is over tired is there any hope to get him to stay asleep while going to daycare?

    • Artemis

      Hi Christina!

      Sorry to hear this, this is a very common issue.

      Our Naps program goes into detail about all of this, we even have a specific guide for daycare naps! We would love to have you in the program. Here is the link:

      Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise, I’ll see you on the other side!
      Artemis, BSMS Support Team

  3. Rebecca

    My son is 13 months old and sleeping is the biggest challenge I have. I’m doing this completely solo without any hands to help. Night routine is really hard when your baby wants you to hold him the entire day. I’m also a first time mom and this helped me see that though I want to learn and do things right, I just need to step back and let him figure things out. Independence is one of the most important things in life to me and ironically I spoil my son where sleeping is not on my sons mind.

    • Artemis

      Hi Rebecca,

      Sorry to hear sleep is such a struggle for you. It’s hard, I understand!

      We help parents like you every day to teach their babies to LOVE the crib, fall asleep peacefully, and sleep through the night. We would love to help you, as well.

      You can sign up for our great sleep training program here:

      Can’t wait to possibly work with you!
      Artemis, BSMS Support Team


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