How to Transition a Toddler from Crib to Bed


  1. Natali Costantin

    Hi please help me, my 2 years old started to jump out of crib, and sometimes tried to go back in but couldn’t so we took the side off. Since he learned how to jump out he has been waking up at 5:00am sometimes even earlier. Is it ok to lock him in the room until 6? This transition coincided with the arrival of young sibling, so I don’t want to confuse him any more

    • Artemis

      Yes, it’s okay to keep him in the room until 6 am. Just make sure the room is safe of course!

      If you’re interested, we also have a course that discusses early wakings for toddlers and how to keep them in the bedroom etc. It’s got a lot of details that will help your toddler wake later in the morning!

      Here is the link:

      Hope to see you in the program,
      Artemis, BSMS Support Team

  2. Andrea

    This is great information, thank you! Is there an “optimal” age for the transition (or even too late of one)? My little one is 3.5 years old, and so far has shown no inclination to move out of her crib. She sleeps so well in there, I’m really hesitant to rock the boat!

    • Artemis

      The longer, the better! If she sleeps better in the crib, keep her there. The crib is the safest and least distracting place for out children to sleep.

      If you want more advice, we’re happy to help you via email here:

      Artemis, BSMS Support Team

  3. Monteece Taylor

    Thank you so much, this is so helpful. I thought we were late to transitioning our LO to the toddler bed, but this gave me reassurance.

    • Alyssa Taft

      So glad that you found it helpful! Alyssa, BSMS Support Team

  4. salim

    It is very important to follow these tips to move the baby to bed. Children will develop the habit of sleeping in a new bed. I find these articles very helpful as a parent.


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